SIM-UOL Marks Another Year Of Milestone Achievements

Dr Bill Abraham and Professor Kelly with a First Class Honours degree student.

Ms Jo Harris with the recipient of the Ede and Ravenscroft Scholarship.
By Rachel Ong, Programme Executive, Higher Education 1
SIM staff, lecturers and colleagues from University Of London (UOL), London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Goldsmiths, came together at the annual Achievers event on 3 November 2018 to celebrate the achievements of the very best performers for the year.
We are proud to announce that we have achieved yet another record-breaking number of 227 First Class Honours recipients, an astounding 39 Academic Achievement Award recipients, 61 Commendation recipients, and 40 Top Scorers! There were also a total of 17 Distinction recipients from a variety of UOL programmes in SIM.
“Our achievers have shown significant motivation and determination, meeting rigorous academic challenges, and the learning skills acquired will stand them in good stead for the future," said Dr Maggie Cooper.
On our record-breaking achievement, she added, “Firstly, we must acknowledge the prime factor is the students' hard work. Other factors include the holistic approach at SIM. It encourages students to develop a wide range of skills, and to find out more about their abilities, likes and dislikes. They also benefit from seeing professionalism in action day-to-day. In terms of academic studies, staff know that students have individual requirements, and work with them to build their skills and knowledge.”
Shafikah binte Shaikh Salim, a SIM-UOL BSc (Hons) in Accounting and Finance First Class Honours recipient, shared how her disappointment in her GCE A level results spurred her to excel and attain her goals. She said, “I was determined to succeed in SIM by graduating with a UOL first class honours degree and to secure a full-time job in one of the big four auditing firms in Singapore. I am humbled to say that I managed to achieve my goals and it couldn't have been possible without hard work and support from the lecturers and family as well as for SIM providing me with many opportunities to learn inside and outside the classroom.”
Phone Thant Ko, a SIM- UOL BSc (Hons) in Creative Computing student, received the Award for Academic Achievement for two consecutive years. The award is given to students who achieve high scores for all their modules during the year. He said: “Receiving this award serves as a form of validation for the hard work that I've put in, and I am truly honoured. Studying for a degree is indeed challenging and I believe one has to be passionate about what he or she learns in order to succeed. The credit goes to many different lecturers who have motivated me along this journey.”
Gracing our event and presenting our students with their certificates were Mr Bill Abraham, Director of Development, Professor Paul Kelly, Dean of International Programmes at LSE, Ms Jo Harris, Associate Director for Student Experience at UOL and Dr Maggie Cooper, Programme Director, Goldsmiths, UOL.

Dr Maggie Cooper with the recipient for the Best Overall Performance for the SIM-UOL BSc (Hons) in Creative Computing.
Posted online, 21 Jan 2019