Anjhana Damodaran

These experiences have been important to me for self-discovery as well as for developing my career skills. In everything, I believe, we have to be willing to try even if we are afraid of failing.
Discover SIM GE By Anjhana Damodaran  Student, Bachelor of Science in International Relations, University of London, UK Anjhana pictured above in a high school in Bali, Indonesia on a business trip. She provided promotional pitches to Indonesian students on SIM GE initiatives in the country. As a university student, there is sometimes indecisiveness when it comes to picking your future career. With my working life about to begin in just a couple of years, I wanted to understand my career aspirations and develop the skills and competencies that are required before taking that all important step. Talent Development Programme This is why I joined the Talent Development Programme (TDP). Over the course of the in-house internship, I was given the role of Senior Team Leader of the Communications Cluster. I led two of the three departments under the Communications Cluster; namely Editorial and Publications and Visual Communications. I was tasked with leading a group of students who were part of these departments and got the opportunity to work with the staff in the Career Development Office (CDO). My experiences there, helped me to figure out what I wanted to do in the future. The programme also equipped me with the skills that I need to pursue my career of choice. Stepping Stones To A Bright Future After a few months in the Communications Cluster, I got the opportunity to be involved in sectors other than my own Cluster. I was tasked with being the interviewer together with other student intern leaders and staff to recruit the next batch of TDP interns. The CDO staff who worked with me, saw potential in me and they recommended me to Ernst & Young as a Human Resource Intern. This opportunity was encouraging and made me feel confident of my abilities. It also allowed me to recognise and improve my strengths with regards to Human Resource Management. Moreover, I was also given the opportunity to travel to Indonesia to market an SIM Initiative in Indonesia. Working in a different country brought different challenges. I faced problems communicating with the locals due to language barriers and differences in culture. Nevertheless, I was able to learn from my seniors who helped me with my marketing strategies. Reflections These experiences have been important to me for self-discovery as well as for developing my career skills. In everything, I believe, we have to be willing to try even if we are afraid of failing. I was thrilled but afraid of taking up the internship in the Human Resource Department in Ernst & Young. This was because I had little experience in working in the Human Resource Department. However, I was willing to try and through the experience, I was able to receive positive feedback from my supervisors. Hence, to me, gaining experience and having the willingness to commit and learn is crucial for success in the working world. The Talent Development Programme is an in-house internship pioneered by the SIM GE Career Development Office. The office is located at Block B, Level 1. To learn more, click here. Posted online, 21 July 2016