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Bachelor's Degree, University of Stirling
University of Stirling
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Digital Media (Top-up) icon-open-link-black

Stand out from others with specialist skills in digital media content and production - open doors to a world of opportunities in the digital media sector. 

University of Stirling
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Sport and Marketing icon-open-link-black

Designed to meet the growing demand for qualifying professionals and fulfil your career aspirations in sports management.

University of Stirling
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Marketing icon-open-link-black

Learn highly sought-after marketing strategies with a digital focus that will become your key to a specialised marketing career or a general management career.

* Exclude application fees, preparatory or bridging course fees, and other fees. Refer to the Fees and Financial aid section in individual programme pages for details. 

# GST is not applicable for international students for these programmes. Refer to the individual programme pages for details. 

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