Learning Series: The Exceptional Communicator


15 Apr 2019

The Exceptional Communicator

How do we become more a more influential speaker, thoughtful colleague, empathetic friend
and communicate exceptionally for success?

Communication is vital to information exchange and to thriving in any environment. But are we understanding its intended use and utilising it properly? Without proper and conscious communication (verbal and non-verbal), we fail to express our thoughts and be accurately understood. Ineffective communication leads to uncertainties, misunderstandings and creates barriers. The art of communication allows us to build connections and initiate conversations that provide clarity and purpose.

What you will take away:

  • Realise your communication tendencies and consciously develop your potential
  • Identify the traits of an effective communicator
  • Explore powerful communication techniques

Event details
Postponed to 15 June (Sat) 4 May 2019 (Sat) | 9am- 12pm
SIM HQ, Blk B Level 5, SR B.5.07