Take it Outside: Why Learning Should be Taken out of the Classroom

In this day and age, the workforce seeks out young minds who are ready to hit the ground running with specialised knowledge in their chosen field and real-world experience. National surveys of employers show that employers value skillsets such as critical thinking and problem solving more than specific majors. Companies look for these competencies at the onset to ensure smart and hard workers as their new company hires.
Recognising this, SIM GE takes learning beyond the classroom for its students; all in efforts to prepare students for life after their university graduation. At SIM GE, students have the opportunities to explore, learn and discover their interests and get real-world context of what it's like to be working in various fields.
It Builds a Holistic Worldview
There is no better way to understand how the world works than by travelling during one's youth. By joining SIM's Study Abroad Programmes, students are able to experience university life at universities such as the University of California Berkeley, Ewha Womans University and more. It is through seeing and experiencing different cultures that students are able to build a global understanding of how lifestyle, language, and etiquette come to play in various countries. Exposure to new environments allow students to gain insight about the world and learn various disciplines in a foreign country. Studying abroad also has a big impact in the professional field.
Taken from the Erasmus Student Network, 64 percent of employers value international experience and consider it important for recruitment. The experience in different countries is seen as a valuable asset as it shows skills in flexibility, collaboration, and an expertise in effective communication.
Students Gain Specialised Skills Whilst out in the Field
Learning experiences outside the classroom are inherently interdisciplinary. When we go out into the world, we encounter it as a whole and are forced to engage multiple modalities. SIM GE's Career Connect Office encourages its students to dabble in practical working-world situations. Many of the companies connected take on students as interns and eventually assimilate them into the company as well. The Career Connect Office prepares students for this by helping students discover their ideal career interest and aid them with job search strategies along the way. Monthly workshops and activities are also held so that they're able to develop useful career skills. An example of a workshop offered is the Basics of Adobe Dreamweaver for students interested in design, coding and website development. With these skills, the Career Connect Office ultimately helps deploy students during critical points in their school life, including career fairs and job selection process.
Outside Learning Encourages Self-discovery
As students get a glimpse of the real world, they get an idea of their true career calling and what piques their interests. Self-discovery is a critical first step to making satisfying life and career choices. Your interests, motivators, competencies, and preferences provide an important foundation for career planning and job search success.
At SIM GE, students are exposed to a variety of outside-the-classroom activities veered towards self-discovery, leadership, team-building, and friendship. The Student Development Department helps students uncover their interests with a multitude of activities ranging from 70 student clubs, councils, and societies. Some of these organisations are Student Councils, International Multicultural Mix, the Film and Performing Arts Society, Aquathlon, Judo, and so much more.
Students who get out of their comfort zones discover the world and gain life-long insight through their own eyes and experiences. Through school travels, immersion in the field, and allowing self-discovery to take place, students gain a holistic worldview and specialised skills that go beyond academic qualifications - setting them apart from their peers.