Discover SIM GE While many may find it hard to get back on their feet again, Jo Ey Teh (pictured above), chose to see things in a positive light after going through a break-up. The SIM-RMIT University Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) graduate who currently works as management executive at a co-working space used the disappointment that she experienced to create a card game that would bring happiness to others. “The relationship was particularly hurtful because of the way it ended. He stopped sending me messages one day and left without saying a word, so it was hard for me to find some form of closure,” she recounts. It took Jo Ey about a month before she could open up about her break up to two of her colleagues during a conversation at lunch. It was during this time that the idea to create a game was sparked. “We were talking about relationships and that’s when I revealed that I had broken up. They were very surprised as I did not talk about it all this while. While we talked about relationships, we felt that there was a need for people to connect and express their emotions and what better way to do this than through a game?” After many months of brainstorming and planning, ‘Broken Hearts’ game was birthed. Jo Ey and her friends launched Broken Hearts after many months of careful planning. “Why Broken Hearts? We felt that disappointment and heartbreaks are something that we all go through at one point or another in our lives and this resonates with most people.” Having received positive feedback about the game from friends and strangers alike, Jo Ey and her two friends launched a Kickstarter campaign with the aim to raise $15,000 from 600 backers to bring the project to life. To date, the team has surpassed that target and gained a total of $16,369 from 192 backers. “We are very pleased to have received support for this project from many kind hearted individuals and we are very thankful that this dream is now a reality,” Jo Ey adds. While working on this project, Jo Ey also completed her diploma studies in SIM GE was able to apply what she learned. “One of the things that I learned during my Diploma in Management Studies was the importance of group dynamics. Having worked on group projects previously, you learn to understand strengths and weaknesses of your teammates. Likewise, while working on this project, we distributed tasks accordingly based on our abilities and we were able to work effectively.” Jo Ey hopes to bring more people together through the game. Looking ahead, Jo Ey intends to spend more time focusing on Broken Hearts and hopes that it continues to bring more people together and encourage them to be brave and love again. She quips, “We didn’t start out by planning to make a business out of this but if it continues to bring people together and make them laugh, we will be happy to keep going and spreading the love!” Posted Online, 01 Feb 2019